1) I will go to the pub as soon as I have | have had | 've had my dinner. FUTURE SIMPLE + AS SOON AS + PRESENT SIMPLE/PRESENT PERFECT 2) Before Jim changes his job, he must tell his wife. BEFORE + PRESENT SIMPLE + COMMA + MODAL VERB + VERB 3) I will wait until the meeting finishes at eleven. FUTURE SIMPLE + UNTIL + PRESENT SIMPLE 4) The moment I find the screwdriver, I will repair the stereo. THE MOMENT + PRESENT SIMPLE + COMMA + FUTURE SIMPLE 5) After she has | she's finished her homework by two o'clock, she'll go to the cinema. AFTER + PRESENT PERFECT + FUTURE SIMPLE 6) Agostino is going to visit his uncle while he is | he's in London. GOING TO + WHILE + PRESENT SIMPLE