This section includes focus on advanced vocabulary, word building, idiomatic phrases and collocations. Special attention is paid to combining words in common forms such as prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs, all of which are extensively tested in C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency. All of our tests come with answer keys and explanations.
Prefixes IM-, IN-, DIS-, IL-, UN-, IR- WB01
Prefixes IN-, UN- WB02
Suffixes -FUL, -LESS WB04
Suffixes -IC, -ICAL, -IAL WB05
Suffixes -LY, -(I)OUS, -IVE, -ARY, -ANT, -ENT WB06
Suffixes -WORTHY, -WARD, -LIKE, -SOME WB15
Suffixes -(I)AN, -EN, -ISH, -ORY, -FOLD, -Y WB19
Suffixes -ULAR, -ESQUE, -WISE, -TH WB21
Prefixes EM-, EN-, BE-, DE- WB10
Prefixes FORE-, CO-, OUT-, OVER- WB14
Prefixes MAL-, DE-, DIS-, MIS-, SUB-, NON- WB17
Suffixes -ER, -(I)AN, -IST, -OR, -EE(R), -(A)ENT WB07
Suffixes -AGE, -URE, -ERY, -AL, -(I)TY, -CY WB08
Suffixes (Diminutive) -LET, -IE/Y, -ETTE, -LING WB12
Suffixes (Nationalities) -ESE, -EAN, -I, -(I)AN WB20
Suffixes -SHIP, -HOOD, -DOM, -ISM WB13
Suffixes -ARY, -ORY, -ADE, -TUDE, -INE, -ESS WB18
Suffixes -MENT, -FUL, -NESS, -(A)ENCE, -ICE, -IVE WB22
Suffixes (Internal Change) -TH, -T WB16
Compound Nouns DAY, GROUND, BOOK, LIFE ...
Negative Prefixes 1 WB36
Negative Prefixes 2 WB37
Greek Root Words 1 WB38
Greek Root Words 2 WB39
Latin Root Words 1 WB40
Latin Root Words 2 WB41
Greek and Latin Numerical Prefixes WB42
Adjective + FOR, FROM, OF, WITH AP01
Adjective + ABOUT, IN, ON, TO AP02
Adjective + preposition (mix) 1 AP03
Adjective + preposition (mix) 2 AP04
Adjective + preposition (mix) 3 AP05
Adjective + preposition (mix) 4 AP06
Adjective + preposition (mix) 5 AP07
Adjective + Noun (Ing Adjectives) 5
Adjective + Noun (Ing Adjectives) 6
Adjective + Noun (Latin Origin) 7
Adjective + Noun (-ic and -ical) 8
Adjective + Noun (Quantities) 10
Collective Nouns (Food/Substances) 9
Idioms - Parts of the Body (nouns)
Idioms - Parts of the Body (verbs)
Idioms - Happiness and Sadness
Idioms - Character and Personality
Idioms - Similes (As ... as) 2
Idioms - Countries, Cities, Nationalities
Idioms - Reduplicatives (Rhyming Expressions)
Idioms - Science and Technology